Dear Members of The Restart & Rebuild (R&R) Working Group
This will be our First Meeting and it will be over Zoom. The invite link has been sent out by Pat Bellingham. If you didn't receive it, please either tell me or Pat.
As the Chair, I'm excited about the decision by the District Executive Board to proceed with the Restart & Rebuild (R&R) Plan and to start the Working Group (WG).
There are so many great things that we can do together between the three Lodges in our District. To collaborate and cooperate between us all. Or like someone suggested, "to re-energize" all our Members and to reach out to others to try to recruit new Members.
During this first WG meeting, I propose that we cover the following:
- Presentation of the three Local Lodges and their activities
- Discuss the objectives proposed for the WG
- Briefly review the R&R Plan
- Discuss some suggestions of activities, including joint activities
- Review of Wild Apricot and benefits for the Lodges
- Discussion of a first suggested joint activity “Lucky Strike”
- Review of Actions and next meeting
We will try to hold all meetings to no more than 60 minutes and be informal, focused on activities and fun things for our Members, young and old.
Any suggestions and comments would be appreciated. You can send email to either myself or Pat:
Arne Dunhem:
Pat Bellingham:
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Spring is finally here! Below are some pictures from the Cherry Blossom at the Tidal Basin, Washington, D.C. and from a popular trail, the W&OD Trail in Northern Virginia, (outside D.C.).
Last two pictures show "The Swedish-American Plogging Group" doing clean-up activity along the W&OD Trail. A growing family activity suggested for our Local Lodges.

"Plogging" was a few years ago a Swedish slang word for plucking-up and jogging at the same time. The word "Plogging" and the idea behind it has now spread all over the world including in many places in the US.
This is a growing family activity that could be suggested our Local Lodges to attract younger prospective Members. There could be e.g. a lunch at a restaurant or a joint picnic after the activity.