Välkommen DISTRICT LODGE PENNSYLVANIA No. 9 VASA ORDER OF AMERICA A Swedish-American Fraternal Organization
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ORGANIZATION OF VASA ORDER OF AMERICA The Grand Lodge is the governing body of the Vasa Order of America. Elected officers along with delegates from each District and Region meet every four years. The elected officers administer various funds, scholarships, awards, and publications between quadrennial meetings. Eighteen District Lodges cover a state or region in the United States, Canada, and Sweden and meet annually or biennially. Each District has a complement of Officers and Board members and along with elected delegates from Local Lodges, meet in convention as determined by each District. The Local Lodges in the United States, Canada, and Sweden are the core of the Vasa Order of America. Each Lodge has elected officers who, with the members, conduct the monthly meetings, Local Lodges provide a variety of cultural activities for their members and the community. Most Local Lodges are part of a District; if no district exists, they are under Grand Lodge jurisdiction. |